Things to do before you attend a conference and while you’re on floor

Gauri Apte
4 min readFeb 23, 2024


Preparing for a conference requires careful planning and organization to ensure that you make the most of your experience.

Before you go to a conference, you should:

1. Set Clear Objectives:
Define your goals and objectives for attending the conference. Determine what you hope to achieve, whether it's gaining industry insights, expanding your network, or showcasing your expertise.

2. Research the Conference:
Familiarize yourself with the conference agenda, including keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and networking events. Identify sessions and activities that align with your objectives and interests.

3. Register Early:
Secure your spot by registering for the conference well in advance. Take advantage of early bird discounts and ensure that you have all necessary registration materials, including badges and tickets.

4. Plan Your Schedule:
Create a personalized schedule for the conference, taking into account sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities you want to attend. Allocate time for breaks and meals to avoid burnout.

5. Review Speakers and Topics:
Research the speakers and panelists participating in the conference. Familiarize yourself with their backgrounds, expertise, and areas of interest. Identify sessions where you can learn from industry leaders and subject matter experts.

6. Prepare Elevator Pitch:
Craft a concise and compelling elevator pitch that introduces yourself and highlights your expertise, accomplishments, and objectives. Be prepared to share this with fellow attendees during networking events.

7. Update Your Materials:
Ensure that your business cards, resumes, and promotional materials are up-to-date and reflect your current professional status and achievements. Bring an ample supply to distribute during networking opportunities.

8. Set Up Meetings:
Reach out to colleagues, clients, or contacts who will be attending the conference and schedule meetings in advance. Use conference networking tools or social media platforms to connect with attendees and arrange meetups.

9. Pack Essentials:
Pack essentials such as comfortable attire, business casual outfits, and appropriate footwear for the conference. Don't forget to bring chargers, notebooks, pens, and any electronic devices you'll need for note-taking or networking.

10. Download Conference App:
Many conferences offer dedicated mobile apps that provide schedules, speaker information, and networking features. Download the conference app in advance and familiarize yourself with its features.

On the conference floor, remember to:

1. Arrive Early and Plan Your Day:
Arrive at the conference venue early to avoid long lines and crowds. Review the conference agenda and floor plan to identify sessions, workshops, and exhibitors you want to visit. Plan your day in advance to make the most of your time.

3. Engage Actively in Sessions and Workshops:
Attend sessions and workshops relevant to your interests and objectives. Be an active participant by asking questions, sharing insights, and engaging in discussions. Take notes and capture key takeaways to reflect on later.

4. Visit Exhibitor Booths:
Explore the exhibition hall and visit exhibitor booths to learn about new products, services, and innovations in your industry. Engage with exhibitors, ask questions, and collect information or demos that pique your interest.

5. Network Strategically:
Networking is a key component of conference success. Be proactive in meeting new people and building relationships. Approach networking with a strategic mindset, focusing on quality over quantity. Look for opportunities to connect with industry influencers, potential collaborators, and thought leaders.

6. Perfect Your Elevator Pitch:
Craft a concise and compelling elevator pitch that introduces yourself, highlights your expertise, and communicates your objectives. Practice delivering your pitch with confidence and clarity to make a memorable impression on others.

7. Exchange Business Cards and Contact Information:
Exchange business cards and contact information with new connections you meet on the conference floor. Follow up with personalized emails or LinkedIn messages after the conference to nurture relationships and stay in touch.

8. Attend Networking Events and Social Mixers:
Take advantage of networking events, social mixers, and receptions organized as part of the conference. These informal settings provide opportunities to connect with fellow attendees in a relaxed atmosphere and build rapport over food and drinks.

9. Be Open to Serendipitous Encounters:
— Remain open to serendipitous encounters and unexpected opportunities that may arise during the conference. Strike up conversations with people you meet in line, during coffee breaks, or at lunch. You never know where a chance encounter may lead.

10. Stay Hydrated, Energized, and Rested:
— Conferences can be physically and mentally demanding, so prioritize self-care to maintain your energy levels and focus. Stay hydrated, eat nutritious meals, and get enough rest to ensure you’re at your best throughout the event.

11. Follow Up After the Conference:
— After the conference concludes, follow up with new contacts and connections you made on the floor. Send personalized thank-you emails, connect on LinkedIn, and explore opportunities for further collaboration or engagement.

By following these strategies and actively engaging with the conference floor, you can maximize your conference experience and derive the greatest value from the event.



Gauri Apte

Creative Director | Script Writer | Content Curator | Freelancer